Privacy Policy

Our BoxFilme Data Handling Approach:
We hold personal information, like your name and email address, in strict confidence. Rest assured, we never divulge, sell, or lease any of your personal details to external parties. We are committed to safeguarding your email ID, and we affirm that it will not be shared with third-party services. Your information remains exclusively within our BoxFilme and is solely utilized for sending out our weekly newsletters or promoting services.

Enhancing User Experience:
To create a more user-friendly experience, we analyze visitor behavior on our BoxFilme site. This information helps us refine our website's user interface for optimal usability.

About Cookies:
A 'Cookie' is a type of 'Non-Personal Information' that is not uniquely identifiable to you. When you access our BoxFilme website using a web browser, our system automatically collects this data file. It is a small text file stored in your browser that allows our BoxFilme to recognize you during each visit or login.
However, it's important to note that our BoxFilme does not employ cookies to retain visitor data. On the other hand, third-party services such as Google Adsense and Google Analytics utilize cookies to track visitors and enhance advertising management. If you have any concerns regarding third-party cookies, please reach out to them directly.

External Links and Your Privacy:
While our BoxFilme includes links to external websites, these sites fall outside our immediate jurisdiction. Upon leaving our BoxFilme and navigating to another site, the privacy policy of that site becomes applicable. We are unable to oversee your privacy on external sites and cannot be held liable for any losses or damages stemming from activities on other websites.

Affiliation Programs:
We are affiliated with various programs, such as Amazon affiliate, Hosting Affiliate, and Themes and Plugins affiliate. When users purchase products through these links, we earn a commission. However, we exclusively recommend products with high ratings and positive feedback to ensure quality for our users.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy:
We maintain the right to modify our privacy policy as needed. We advise you to frequently review this Privacy Policy. If substantial changes are made, we may notify you via our BoxFilme website, blog posts, emails, or other suitable methods, as determined by our discretion.

Clarifications and Contact:
Should you have any queries about our privacy practices or this policy, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us through our BoxFilme. Your privacy is our priority, and we're here to address any concerns you may have.
contact us
